Learn the Secrets of Creating a Magical Session

In this course, you will get:


  • The seven magical elements which lead to creating alive and inspired therapy sessions (regardless of theoretical orientation)

  • The common ground that both indigenous wisdom traditions and modern psychotherapy share and how to tap into it

  • How embracing spontaneity, improvisation, and utilization can revitalize and energize your therapy sessions.

  • How understanding circular interaction, expectancy, humor, and imaginative performance of improvisation can assist your clients in obtaining treatment goals

  • The importance of context in creating effective and transformational experiences in therapy.

  • How to utilize a state of receptivity to your own intuitive ideas, sensations, images and mini-thoughts, and

  • Designing and implementing magical and therapeutic rituals

What People Are Saying:

Paul Leslie outlines key elements for creating imaginative sessions that will deepen therapeutic relationships, address the individual healing needs of clients, and turn therapy sessions into experiences of transformational magic.

BETTE FREEDSON, LCSW, LICSW, CGP; author of “Other Realms, Other Ways: A Clinician's Guide to the Magick of Intuition” www.bettefreedson.com

Paul’s work is absolutely fascinating, mind blowing, eye opening, and wonderful!

DR. ROB McNEILLY, direct student of Milton Erickson and founder of the Center for Effective Therapy, Tasmania, www.cet.net.au

Paul Leslie’s work reminds us why we love being psychotherapists!

RICK MILLER, LCSW, author of “Unwrapped: Integrative Therapy with Gay Men, The Gift of Presence”, www.rickmiller.biz

Paul takes us right into the magical space of what it means to be a healer and how to guide others towards their own inner healer.

LISA DION, LPC, RPT-S, author of “Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity” and the creator of “Synergetic Play Therapy” www.lisa-dion.com

Paul has made magic almost graspable, leaving me shining with curiosity and my mind wide open to possibility. He shows us the value, importance and healing potential in the surprising, the unexpected, and the wondrous.

RICHARD HILL, President of the Global Association of Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies and Director of the Mind Science Institute, Sydney Australia. www.richardhill.com.au

$97.00 USD